...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Baby Announcement

I have a new member in my family.  I am just beaming with joy and pride.  I just had to share the news.

The new member came when I needed it most.  "He" will most assuredly provide me with many hours of peace.  Every second of that peace will be treasured.  

He's beautiful.  He's sleek.  He cries louder than a cat in heat!  

Please welcome my new baby into the family...

Even though I've had him for a few weeks, I haven't named him yet.

No one is allowed to ride him.  Not even hubby.  

He's mine!! Mine!!  Mine!!

While the boys are away camping this weekend, I will be using and abusing him.  Okay, maybe not abusing, but using.. yes!

He's so pretty :)