...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Going The Distance and Finishing with a Bang!

Today was the day that I have lunch with my best friend, Nancy.  We meet up at her son's pizzeria (if you need a good place for pies, this place is it !) and gossiped until the cows came home.  It appeared to be a typical lunch date for us.  We bitched.  We complained.  We vented.  We talked about the load of shit that hit the fan for me yesterday, and we did a lot of laughing.  The usual stuff..

I found out yesterday that a pancake breakfast that I am in charge of is the same date as a pick up that I am supposed to do for scouts.  I'm supposed to pick up a popcorn order in a town that is about an hour or so away from the place I will be holding the breakfast.  I haven't figured out yet how I am going to be in two places at once, but I suppose it will work out in the end.  It has to!

My main problem is that I will not have anyone helping me unload my truck after I pick up the popcorn.  I have to leave Hubby at the pancake breakfast to flip pancakes and whatnot.  My son will be at the breakfast, as well, serving.  I guess I will be schlepping boxes of evil, putrid popcorn myself.  Dammit!  Anyone want to help?!   Please??    :)

But the day was pockmarked with a few good moments.  I cannot lie about that.  If these moments were not good, I would not be sitting here thinking about them. 

I volunteer at the local soup kitchen.  It is one of the best things that I do with my time.  I spend a few hours a day helping prepare the meal and serving it, as well as cleaning up after the lunch is over.   It's a very rewarding thing for me.  I walk away from there with a few gentle reminders about life. 

I remember that the world does not consist of just me and my miniscule issues (see above rant about popcorn).  I remember that there is always someone out there who is worse off than I.  I also remember that life should never be taken for granted.  There are times in life where the bull needs to be grabbed by the balls, and you need to ride the hell out of life.  You never know when your life will fall into a shit-pile and forever be changed.  Enjoy it while you can.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at the soup kitchen and one of the patrons came to the counter and stated that he was looking for a fan.  It was brutally hot that day, and it was in the forecast to be even hotter in the days after.   He shook his head after making this statement, and said, "This isn't the place to find one.  I know I won't find one here." 

The next day, I arrived with a fan for him -- for Richard.  The smile that exploded on his face was one that I will never forget.  It is unbelievable the feeling that one receives when they are able to give someone what they desire most.   But that is another story that I could tell...

I saw him today.  I was driving to the pizzeria and he was walking down the street.  He looked quite handsome today.  He had his hair cut.  He was shaved and dressed pretty well.   He saw me and waved his hand above his head.  I tell you ... it made me feel like a million bucks!    He returned to me what I had given to him. 

What goes around comes around..

It was during the same day at the soup kitchen that one of the patrons (I'd rather call them that than homeless.. it sounds better.. it also suits them better.. ) came up to the serving counter and started to talk to me.   Even though I have been volunteering there for almost three years, I had never spoken to him before.

He came up and we discussed churches, the town, etc.  We talked about people that we both knew, and we bonded.  He is a seriously nice guy.   I truly enjoyed our conversation. 

I was standing outside of the pizzeria saying goodbye to Nancy when he came strolling down the street.  He saw me and his entire face lit up like a Christmas tree!  I must admit that mine lit up too.  It was great to see him, and he seemed so damn happy. 

What goes around comes around...

I learned a long time ago that what you give of yourself will almost always be returned to you.  It may not be returned by the same person, but it will come.   It always comes when you do not expect it to.    I also learned to not look for it.  Don't seek it out.  Allow it to come to you and let it surprise you.  It means so much more when it happens..


  1. I have to learn how to go about giving of myself again, as you do. It is what led me to find you as a friend, and I've closed that section of myself off for quite a while now. Congratulations on keeping it out there for yourself, you're a wonderful person.

  2. You are a wonderful person too! It's a shame that you've closed up a part of yourself. Let yourself out! Let the world experience your beauty and giving nature!
