...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Monday, August 1, 2011


Wicked and evil has been my schedule of late.   Constantly running here and there, doing this and that and listening to this one and to that one.  Needless to say, it had drained me of my patience and robbed me of my sense of well-being.   But who would have guessed that a simple weekend outing would wake up my spirit and serve as a reminder that it's vitally important to stop the merry-go-round and breathe. 

... breathes... 

We packed up some things this weekend and went camping for a night.    We went with another family, and it was the best thing I've done in a long time.   It was just a time to unwind, forget about the world and the responsibilities and just relax. 

The company was wonderful.  The fire was mesmerizing.   The children ran around screaming like fiends, and hearing them get along and enjoy one another was one of the most wonderful sounds.   I honestly do not believe it could have been more enjoyable or relaxing.

I believe that a good experience is one in which you learn from it.  I learned a thing or two, and this new found knowledge will stay with me for as long as I live. 

1.  I learned that New Yorkers do not like going to be before the hour of 3 a.m.  This is about the time that the people camping across from our site finally called it a morning night.  I searched all over for sleep, but it was not found until at least 3:30 am, and when it did come, it came in sporatic spurts.  I will cross that campsite and particular camping area off my list of places to visit again!   The family that accompanied us should be thankful that they left early.  I wish I had.

2.  Lake water will stay with you once it enters your sinus cavity.  I do believe that I finally stopped tasting it in my mouth by the next morning.  

3.  The last place to go for breakfast the next morning is a diner filled with people who have slept the night before and are full of piss and vinegar.  

This next one is the most important thing I learned.  You may be wise to read this one carefully and commit it to your memory.  You, too, can be saved by this tidbit...

4.  I learned that if I were to die alone in my house, my dog would sit by me and mourn my death.  He will be filled with utter sadness and will protect my body.   I also learned (and this is the important part) that if I were to die alone in my house, my cat would not care.  He would not curl himself around my dead body and be sad at my demise.  He will, instead, eat me when he grows hungry. 

I have thought about this fact and have committed it to memory.  I find that I look at my cat differently.  There are times when he looks at me and then licks his lips.  I often ask myself.... is he thinking of eating me?  

This, of course, has prompted me to change my diet drastically.  I have opted to not eat sweets anymore.  I have given up my most favorite thing -- ice cream -- and I have decided that I must lose weight.  A cat will not enjoy dining on skin and bones, right??   Right?!?! 


The father of the other family is wonderful to talk to and spend time with.  He makes me laugh, makes me think.  Conversation comes very easy, and that is always a good thing!  I, and my husband, truly enjoy his friendship.  Yes, the cat thing came from him!  I blame him for nightmares.  His son and my boys get along so well together.  It's as if they've known each other forever.   I hope they will always be friends. 

The peace I acquired during the weekend was divine.  It's still with me today.  I hope I keep it.  If I start to lose it, I may have to go camping again!  

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