...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Friday, August 5, 2011

This is what brings me joy.  Only to a certain degree, of course.  I've been making flowers all day for a huge 25th wedding anniversary cake that is going out on Sunday.    The flowers in these photos are just a small amount of the ones that have been done, and ones that still need to be done.   I sit here now, very sleepy and ready for bed.  The only problem -- it's only 8:30 at night.  Much too early for bed.

I smell like powdered sugar.  I swear this smell is better than any perfume that money can buy.   Since there is a fan blowing against my bare skin, the smell of pure sweetness is wafting up to my nose.  It is heavenly.   Would it be wrong to eat oneself?  I presume so..

My ear buds have become an extension of myself today.  I don't think they've been out all day long.  You would think that by now I would have grown tired of listening to music.  I haven't. 

....muster your strength cuz you're gonna ache.. my love will bring you down... it will meet you to please you... haunt you and tease you... 

"Can You Love Me?" by Brie Stoner is playing in my ears right now.  Brie Stoner is good stuff!  Look up some of her videos on YouTube.  

Now I have completely lost my train of thought.  Typical for me...

I feel so relaxed right now.  I feel good.   Peaceful.. 

I think I may drag my rear outside and light a fire in the fire pit.  I feel like sinking into la la land and watching a fire burn by myself.   There isn't anything cooler and more relaxing than watching a fire burn..

*This is the fire we had going last weekend while camping.. * 

Peace out.