...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Friday, October 11, 2013

Frenetic, Frenzied and Feverish


Yeah, I would use mine, if I could just find it.  I don't know where I placed it last.  

So, I was told to write a blog entry.  I am writing.  Can you hear my fingers tapping at my laptop?  Ha!  I can't either!  I have Nine Inch Nail's new album blasting in my ears.  My ear drums are getting one hell of a fucking workout.  

Ooops I dropped the "F" bomb. 

So, this is me, unstripped.  Not literally, mind you.  

Since I do not have one topic floating in the empty space that held the brain that I cannot find, this is going to be one hell of a mess.  It will be like one of my labrador retrievers throwing up that box of crayons she ate.  A mish mash of color all swirled around each other -- not ever truly blending to form one.  

Yeah I like the sound of that.   The colors swirling.  Not the dog vomit.  I can't handle vomit of any kind.  Dog or otherwise.  I can't handle mucus either.  It doesn't matter if it's mine or yours.  I will hurl.  Blech.. 

But I digress... 

I have my blog set to public.  Not that you really care, but I do.  It amazes me how many oddball URLs visit here.  Stupid bots.  

Even though I have my blog set to public, I don't let just anyone see it.  It's mine.   When I post the link on FB, I usually have 3/4 of my "friends" (maybe more than that) blocked from seeing the updated post.  Why?  Because it's mine.  I prefer to be able to write in here freely without condemnation.  Fuck that shit.. 

You've been "F" bombed again.  I should have warned you.

I block my blog from my family.  All of them.   It isn't as though I have something to hide, but everyone on the face of this planet deserves to be an individual.  Everyone.  I don't give a shit if you're married, engaged or jerking off in the alley with pictures of your mom in her underwear.   Everyone.   This is my individual -- not his wife or their mom -- blog.  No, I am not jerking off in the alley while looking at pictures.  I swear.  It wasn't me!   I was rubbing one out in that adult theater.  God, those floors are sticky!  

It just feels good to be me.

If I could be someone else, I would choose...    Hmm.. this is a tough one.  I think I would have to choose, well, me.  Boring, in'nit?  

I LIKE me. 

 Do YOU like YOU?

I went out to dinner with one my closest friends the other night.  I was sick as a dog too, dammit.  I had a great time but it would have been better if I felt better.  I had a dude want to do a threesome with us both.  He was kind enough to tell us that he had been at the doctors and he was told his pipes were working.    He was ready.   The  dude is actually a friend of ours.  He makes me laugh, except when he was trying to feel me up when I kissed him goodbye.  He's such a fucking pervert.

"F" bomb alert!!!  

Awww damn, I'm supposed to warn BEFORE not after.  Duh... 

See?  I have no set thing on my mind today.  So you are the receiver of a bunch of bullshit.  

But at least I posted, right ?

Right ?


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