...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Melancholy Joy

It's Tuesday and here I sit doing my laundry.  Oh it's an exciting day!   I do it at a public place because hubby was supposed to fix my dryer six or more months ago and hasn't done so yet.   So here I sit...

Coming here isn't all that bad actually.  I get to do one of my favorite things:  people watch.  My grandfather taught me the fine art of people watching while sitting on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights.  Oh the people we saw!   

The laundromat (not this one) in general holds some pretty good memories for me.  My hubby and I did the bulk of our dating at a laundromat.  It was where I agreed to meet him in person for the first time.    

We really raised hell at the laundromat.  We both acted like 10 year old kids without supervision.  I was wild and so was he.   Those were the good ole days-long past and long ago.  

Now he falls asleep on the sofa on the weekends and I stare out the window wanting to get up and go.  I wonder if it's ever possible to capture that glimmer of youth again.  

But I digress...

So here I sit.  It's nowhere near as exciting as it was 10 years ago.   But I suppose the people watching will have to do... for now...


  1. I actually kind of miss the Sunday morning laundromat run... used to do my whole household worth of Laundry in about 2 hours... spent my time reading and studying... now I spend all day Saturday doing it at home...

  2. I'd much rather do it at home. I can kill more than a handful of birds with one stone. I used to love going to do the laundry out. But my town gutted the laundromat and turned it into a gym. It hasn't been the same since. I hate going to the other ones around. I never feel.. safe there..
