...... skating between the two as I navigate life's twisting, winding road...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Juxtaposition of the Mind

Shhh... I have a secret.  I don't know if I should tell you.  A secret is supposed to stay inside right?  

*looks around*

I don't see anyone else here.  Do you?  Maybe I can tell you.  

Can you keep my secret?  

Will you swear to never tell a living soul?  

*looks around again*

I'm not sure if I can trust you.  You look shifty.  You look like you're salivating at the thought of knowing my secret just so you can tell someone.

Hmmm ... 

I think I will tell you.

You see there is this thing that I am going through.  It's maddening at times to deal with.  

This is big stuff now. 

You can't tell!

Aww forget it... 

You've already got your hand on your phone to text my secret to your friends.

*.... sigh .... *